Out Now: “The Sickness”, the New Sidetrack Walker Album

The new Sidetrack Walker album, “The Sickness”, is out now! I am very excited and proud to finally be sharing these songs with you. So be sure to check them out and let me know what you think! Of course, the album is available from your preferred streaming/download service. But as always, Bandcamp is the best place to get it.

Also, and please don’t take this as a cliché or empty phrase: if you enjoy the music and want me to continue creating it, please do support me by actually buying “The Sickness” on Bandcamp. For, contrary to popular belief, the process of making a quality album is hard work: writing, recording, producing, even releasing and promoting music takes a lot of time and effort. This holds true for Sidetrack Walker and independent artists in general. And even musicians and bands backed by larger labels need your support more than ever. Remember that music is art and plays a significant role in your daily life, offering support, comfort and entertainment – don’t take it for granted.

Now I’m off to prepare tomorrow’s release party!

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